Examples of SEO work

Website of window systems

Production of metal-plastic windows and doors

SEO-case and development of an advertising campaign for the ViGrand website

Promoting entrepreneurial activity today is a real challenge for any field of activity. However, with the help of our approaches, flexible strategies and sets of tools, it is quite possible to withstand the onslaught of competition, quickly expand the distribution market, increase demand, provoke to rise to the leading positions of the rating. Actual achievements and real successes confirm these words on the example of one of the customers. The ViGrand metal-plastic window production company encountered typical difficulties, which together with us, we effectively overcame in a short period of time.

SEO analysis and identification of the main problems of the project

Initially, we were engaged in researching problems, collecting and analyzing the necessary SEO information, studying the audience, sources for coverage. Worked in general and regional directions in order to work better on specific streams. This is important, because even the most successful scheme always needs improvement, adaptation to specific situations and requirements. The popular patterns bring results, but this is only a quarter of the potential success.

Only after the steps taken, we proceeded to the development of the plan, at this stage technical tasks were drawn up, a targeted campaign, advertisements were created, and an active phase of cooperation with reputable companies, such as Google and Facebook, began. During the work, additions and corrections were made.

The first results of SEO promotion

Already at this stage, the results are noticeable. The attention of the audience to the company has increased significantly. The interest of potential customers rose sharply.In just one month, thanks to hard work, this indicator is at the mark of 1,338 visitors.

Development of an advertising campaign for the site

The developed advertising campaign in text format and its correctly calculated placement brought 1024 new potential customers.

High efficiency was demonstrated by the created media content, where out of 459 thousand planned screenings, 209 thousand full, interested views were received.


The effectiveness of the methods and approaches used is confirmed by independent analytics from Google. In just two months, the company received more than 3,200 new visitors.

А це, як ніщо краще, доводить раціональність використання даних нам ресурсів.

And this, like nothing better, proves the rationality of using the resources given to us. In addition, the slice of information obtained opens up new perspectives and allows a clearer understanding of further movement and direction for sustainable development.


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